Any list makers out there? It’s ok, be loud and proud! My mom will vouch for the fact that I have been a list maker my whole life. I am sometimes guilty of making lists for my lists. I love planning and I love organization in all forms. It makes me feel calm and in control of the often crazy, busy life I live. And while I will not deny that I should own stock in Post-It notes, I’ve found a list making tool that has been life changing for me.
It’s called Trello.
Trello is an online list making tool that also has a downloadable phone app. I’m still learning about all of the bells and whistles, but it has been an enormously powerful tool for both my personal and professional life. Through the creation of “boards,” for different projects or lists, you can categorize, color code, set deadlines, add pictures and attachments, link to websites, and invite others to collaborate with you. It’s AMAZING. And if you’re anything like me and get a rise out of seeing a check

mark next to something that is done on your list, that can be done too!
I have been using Trello boards with my clients for some time now. It is a great way to show them the visuals and ideas that we have for their event. I also use it to show my progress as we go through the planning process together. Sometimes clients want to be completely hands-off and that’s ok! But for clients who want to see their vision come to life during the planning stages and begin to visualize all of the elements as they come together, it is a great way to accomplish that.
So, if you find yourself losing that small piece of paper that you ripped out of the notebook on your desk that you’re using for a grocery list, you should give Trello a try! There’s a very easy to use free version or you can add on some additional features with the paid version. Either way, I promise you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of staying organized!
Happy List Making!
p.s. In no way am I affiliated with Trello. I just can’t help but share when I love something! 😊